Sunday, December 5, 2010

You've got Mail: CSULB Launches BeachMail

      California State University, Long Beach will launch BeachMail, the new Microsoft Live@edu student e-mail system on December 1, 2010.

     Students can now activate BeachMail account, a system that  will offer greater storage capacity, and improved spam filter, and e-mail access on mobile phones.
         To ease the transition to BeachMail, students will continue to have access to their existing account for the next few months. E-mail messages can be moved from the to the new BeachMail accounts. 

        Mary Stephens, Vice President for Administration and Finance, said, “The new e-mail system has long been anticipated for. It will provide a more efficient and organized way for students to contact their professors.”

      Many students are already activating their accounts like Engineering student, Carlos Ayon said, “I just found out about the new e-mail system, when I went to activate my account it was pretty easy, I haven’t used it but, I will as soon as I get the hang of it.”

Visit for instructions on activating BeachMail.
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