Sunday, October 3, 2010

Budget looking up

CSULB will re-open spring enrollment for prospective students this upcoming February.

After the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 provided an increase in educational fund on a national level by approximately $224 billion, educational funds were designated towards the recovery of the CSU system budget and improve the education of millions of students. 

The CSU system received an installment of $106 million awarded by the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund on Sept. 16, 2010, which has enabled CSULB to open spring enrollment.

Mary Stephens, Vice President for Administration and Finance, said, “We are very pleased that we are able to take more students for the upcoming semester.”

The funds will allow CSULB administration to stretch and improve the budget while evaluating and distributing the funds where most needed.

“Our first priority is always the classroom. The funds will be used towards equipment, adding additional classes to accommodate those who are enrolling next spring, and increase the amount of advising,” Stephens added. 


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