Sunday, October 10, 2010

Economy Affects College Students

CSULB students continue to be affected by the declining economy and increased student fees.

A year ago the CSU Board of Trustees increased student fees for 2009-2010, as part of an overall plan to address the massive $584 million budget deficit. Earlier in the year a 5 percent increase in tuition was announced, making students jaws drop to the floor.

The struggling U.S. economy is affecting students nationally, but closer to home CSULB, undocumented students or also known as AB540 students are dealing with financial difficulties, lack of adequate financial aid and struggling to make ends meads.

Eliana Quintero, a sociology major, is dealing with the financial strain to continue her journey in pursuing higher education.

"Its frustrating to be in this situation, I don't qualify for financial aid so every semester, my family and I struggle to complete tuition payments," she said. 

"My parents are street vendors, so money is limited in my house. Sometimes, I cry out of frustration trying to figure out paying for school," Quintero added.

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